Oncology Youth Connection

July 10th, 2012 by Gage Pacifera

Harmonic Northwest donated all of the web development for this really cool WordPress site earlier this year:


The OYC site is meant to be a social hub for youngish people who are going through or have gone through cancer. The OYC mission statement:

Oncology Youth Connection’s mission is to inspire resilience in young adults challenged with cancer by providing a community of peers that participate in social, service, and educational activities, and increase awareness about young adult cancer issues.

The site features stories and blog posts from its members, an events calendar, information about the organization and submission forms for getting involved or donating. Both forms are tied into eTapestry, an online fundraising management system geared toward non-profits. The volunteer form makes use of the eTapestry API to dynamically add interested parties to the volunteer database.

Authors can sign in to the system to write articles which are approved by administrators. There are special custom Staff and People tabs in the WordPress admin area for managing that content. The events are managed by the very handy All-in-One Events Calendar and the photos use NextGen Gallery.

The site was designed by the illustrious Michael Fofrich. I love the simple, eye-catching design he came up with! The home page images really grab your attention and the font treatment for the headers looks really cool. He also put together ideas for some interesting dynamic interactions, like the stylish dropdown menu box on the staff page or the mouseover reveal text on the people page.

Posted in Portfolio, Pro Bono, Web Development, WordPress

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