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How many devices does it take to test a web app?

December 17th, 2012 by Gage Pacifera

photoWork continues on the Franklin High School mobile application. I took this picture at a recent coding session—these are some of the different devices that we’re using to test the app as we go. I thought it was a funny scene, but perhaps the funnier thing is that this hardly begins to cover the gamut of devices a web app can run on.. between all of the various mobile devices, e-readers, multimedia systems and of course desktop computers, it’s not easy to cover all of your bases.

We have the app mostly done and are now entering beta testing phase. We’re also looking into getting this app into the app stores. We’re hoping to use PhoneGap to make this happen.. we’ll see how it goes. I’ll give a more detailed rundown of what we’re doing with the app and the functionality behind it closer to launch time.

We’re aiming for a mid-February release, which will also mark the kickoff of a program I’ve gotten involved with called Tech for Tomorrow. This is a partnership between local students, schools, community organizations, tech companies and the Technology Association of Oregon that aims to inspire and better prepare students for careers in technology. This program is still in the planning phase and I’m happy to be involved helping get it off the ground.

Update (12/18): Thompson Morrison, who has been coordinating this effort, posted this blog post about the FHS web app project and its role in the larger scheme of things. He is currently heading up TechStart, the division of TAO that coordinates educational outreach.

Posted in Mobile, Pro Bono, Web Development

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