Tick tick tick

January 14th, 2014 by Gage Pacifera

ss-emc-tickerThe EMC 2013 E3 event site is a pretty cool example of a nice one-pager. Two features stand out here: the visually arresting scoreboard-style countdown ticker and the full-width google map with the overlaid text. Check them out on this archived version of the site:


The Ticker

ss-emc-sassThe scoreboard ticker is powered by the jQuery Countdown widget by Keith Wood and a some carefully coded CSS3 custom built by yours truly. The ticker scales down seamlessly using largely percentage-based CSS rules. SASS was a big help here allowing me to use algebraic formulas to dynamically set sizing properties for each of the scoreboard digits.

..and More!

The site also features a dynamically sizing Google map, sticky top nav and animated scroll triggered by the nav links. All in all it was a fun site to code and turned out looking great.

Harmonic Northwest did the development on this one while Opus Events provided the design, copy, etc.

Posted in CSS, JavaScript, Portfolio, Responsive, Web Development

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